Photo of a notebook with "New Year's Resolutions" written in it.

New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep (thanks to your library)

December 29, 2023

As another year comes to an end, New Year’s resolutions begin. These resolutions, particularly those tied to the new year, typically involve a personal commitment or decision to adopt new habits, make positive lifestyle changes, or achieve specific goals.

Unfortunately, statistics show that a significant number of individuals abandon their goals within the first month. Don’t let it be you! Discover how your library can make some of the most common resolutions attainable!

  1. Read More
    We’ve got you covered! Whether you plan to read 100 books or 100 pages, there’s something for everyone at your library. Pick up a selection of crisp-paged books, download digital titles to your device, or listen to an audiobook on the go! Think you will have trouble reading consistently all year? Consider joining a book club to stay accountable and have fun.
  2. Save Money
    Your library is one of the few places where you can go without having to spend anything just to be there. Reduce spending by borrowing books, movies, and items from the Library of Things, or simply come hang out in cozy spaces with your family or friends.
  3. Improve Your Health
    Looking for ways to eat more vegetables, freshen up your recipe selection, make meal plans, or cook at home more? If so, explore the library system’s extensive collection of cookbooks for inspiration and guidance. Or maybe you’re looking to add exercise to your routine. The library also has fitness books, exercise DVDs, and digital resources to enhance your physical health. Some of our member libraries also offer StoryWalks® to encourage people to enjoy the outdoors while reading a children’s book.
  4. Try Something New
    From yoga sessions to knitting workshops, author visits to taste testing events, your library hosts free events, programs, and workshops every month. Test your creative side and check out a library makerspace. Learn how to run a 3D printer, use a laser engraver or make gifts with a Cricut Maker.
  5. Decrease Screen Time
    Unplug from your devices and give yourself a break from screens. Instead, make time to read a book, play a game or do a puzzle without those digital interruptions. Keep the fun fresh by borrowing new choices from your library.
  6. Advance Your Career
    Whether you’re gearing up for a new job or looking to enhance your skill set, your library provides free access to Udemy courses. These free, on-demand online video courses cover a wide range of topics including business, technology, design, management, languages and more.
  7. Explore New Genres
    Broaden your literary and cinematic horizons by asking a librarian for suggestions. Open a world of stories and perspectives by trying fantasies or manga books, selecting a classic film not available for streaming, or uncovering a television series you might have missed.
  8. Plan A Staycation
    Borrow an Explore Pass from the Library of Things and visit a local museum or attraction for free with your library card. Choose from the Mitchell Park Domes, the Milwaukee Art Museum, Betty Brinn Children’s Museum, the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame, and more!

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Bridges Library System – Serving the libraries of Waukesha & Jefferson Counties